Vitest provides several built-in reporters to display test output in different formats, as well as the ability to use custom reporters. You can select different reporters either by using the --reporter
command line option, or by including a reporters
property in your configuration file. If no reporter is specified, Vitest will use the default
reporter as described below.
Using reporters via command line:
npx vitest --reporter=verbose
Using reporters via vitest.config.ts
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['verbose']
Some reporters can be customized by passing additional options to them. Reporter specific options are described in sections below.
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: [
['junit', { suiteName: 'UI tests' }]
Reporter Output
By default, Vitest's reporters will print their output to the terminal. When using the json
, html
or junit
reporters, you can instead write your tests' output to a file by including an outputFile
configuration option either in your Vite configuration file or via CLI.
npx vitest --reporter=json --outputFile=./test-output.json
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['json'],
outputFile: './test-output.json'
Combining Reporters
You can use multiple reporters simultaneously to print your test results in different formats. For example:
npx vitest --reporter=json --reporter=default
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['json', 'default'],
outputFile: './test-output.json'
The above example will both print the test results to the terminal in the default style and write them as JSON to the designated output file.
When using multiple reporters, it's also possible to designate multiple output files, as follows:
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['junit', 'json', 'verbose'],
outputFile: {
junit: './junit-report.xml',
json: './json-report.json',
This example will write separate JSON and XML reports as well as printing a verbose report to the terminal.
Built-in Reporters
Default Reporter
By default (i.e. if no reporter is specified), Vitest will display results for each test suite hierarchically as they run, and then collapse after a suite passes. When all tests have finished running, the final terminal output will display a summary of results and details of any failed tests.
Example output for tests in progress:
✓ __tests__/file1.test.ts (2) 725ms
✓ __tests__/file2.test.ts (5) 746ms
✓ second test file (2) 746ms
✓ 1 + 1 should equal 2
✓ 2 - 1 should equal 1
Final output after tests have finished:
✓ __tests__/file1.test.ts (2) 725ms
✓ __tests__/file2.test.ts (2) 746ms
Test Files 2 passed (2)
Tests 4 passed (4)
Start at 12:34:32
Duration 1.26s (transform 35ms, setup 1ms, collect 90ms, tests 1.47s, environment 0ms, prepare 267ms)
Basic Reporter
The basic
reporter displays the test files that have run and a summary of results after the entire suite has finished running. Individual tests are not included in the report unless they fail.
npx vitest --reporter=basic
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['basic']
Example output using basic reporter:
✓ __tests__/file1.test.ts (2) 725ms
✓ __tests__/file2.test.ts (2) 746ms
Test Files 2 passed (2)
Tests 4 passed (4)
Start at 12:34:32
Duration 1.26s (transform 35ms, setup 1ms, collect 90ms, tests 1.47s, environment 0ms, prepare 267ms)
Verbose Reporter
Follows the same hierarchical structure as the default
reporter, but does not collapse sub-trees for passed test suites. The final terminal output displays all tests that have run, including those that have passed.
npx vitest --reporter=verbose
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['verbose']
Example of final terminal output for a passing test suite:
✓ __tests__/file1.test.ts (2) 725ms
✓ first test file (2) 725ms
✓ 2 + 2 should equal 4
✓ 4 - 2 should equal 2
✓ __tests__/file2.test.ts (2) 746ms
✓ second test file (2) 746ms
✓ 1 + 1 should equal 2
✓ 2 - 1 should equal 1
Test Files 2 passed (2)
Tests 4 passed (4)
Start at 12:34:32
Duration 1.26s (transform 35ms, setup 1ms, collect 90ms, tests 1.47s, environment 0ms, prepare 267ms)
Dot Reporter
Prints a single dot for each completed test to provide minimal output while still showing all tests that have run. Details are only provided for failed tests, along with the basic
reporter summary for the suite.
npx vitest --reporter=dot
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['dot']
Example terminal output for a passing test suite:
Test Files 2 passed (2)
Tests 4 passed (4)
Start at 12:34:32
Duration 1.26s (transform 35ms, setup 1ms, collect 90ms, tests 1.47s, environment 0ms, prepare 267ms)
JUnit Reporter
Outputs a report of the test results in JUnit XML format. Can either be printed to the terminal or written to an XML file using the outputFile
configuration option.
npx vitest --reporter=junit
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['junit']
Example of a JUnit XML report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<testsuites name="vitest tests" tests="2" failures="1" errors="0" time="0.503">
<testsuite name="__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts" timestamp="2023-10-19T17:41:58.580Z" hostname="My-Computer.local" tests="2" failures="1" errors="0" skipped="0" time="0.013">
<testcase classname="__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts" name="first test file > 2 + 2 should equal 4" time="0.01">
<failure message="expected 5 to be 4 // equality" type="AssertionError">
AssertionError: expected 5 to be 4 // equality
❯ __tests__/test-file-1.test.ts:20:28
<testcase classname="__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts" name="first test file > 4 - 2 should equal 2" time="0">
The outputted XML contains nested testsuites
and testcase
tags. You can use the environment variables VITEST_JUNIT_SUITE_NAME
to configure their name
and classname
attributes, respectively. These can also be customized via reporter options:
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: [
['junit', { suiteName: 'custom suite name', classname: 'custom-classname' }]
JSON Reporter
Outputs a report of the test results in JSON format. Can either be printed to the terminal or written to a file using the outputFile
configuration option.
npx vitest --reporter=json
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['json']
Example of a JSON report:
"numTotalTestSuites": 4,
"numPassedTestSuites": 2,
"numFailedTestSuites": 1,
"numPendingTestSuites": 1,
"numTotalTests": 4,
"numPassedTests": 1,
"numFailedTests": 1,
"numPendingTests": 1,
"numTodoTests": 1,
"startTime": 1697737019307,
"success": false,
"testResults": [
"assertionResults": [
"ancestorTitles": [
"first test file"
"fullName": " first test file 2 + 2 should equal 4",
"status": "failed",
"title": "2 + 2 should equal 4",
"duration": 9,
"failureMessages": [
"expected 5 to be 4 // equality"
"location": {
"line": 20,
"column": 28
"meta": {}
"startTime": 1697737019787,
"endTime": 1697737019797,
"status": "failed",
"message": "",
"name": "/root-directory/__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts"
HTML Reporter
Generates an HTML file to view test results through an interactive GUI. After the file has been generated, Vitest will keep a local development server running and provide a link to view the report in a browser.
Output file can be specified using the outputFile
configuration option. If no outputFile
option is provided, a new HTML file will be created.
npx vitest --reporter=html
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['html']
This reporter requires installed @vitest/ui
TAP Reporter
Outputs a report following Test Anything Protocol (TAP).
npx vitest --reporter=tap
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['tap']
Example of a TAP report:
TAP version 13
not ok 1 - __tests__/test-file-1.test.ts # time=14.00ms {
not ok 1 - first test file # time=13.00ms {
not ok 1 - 2 + 2 should equal 4 # time=11.00ms
name: "AssertionError"
message: "expected 5 to be 4 // equality"
at: "/root-directory/__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts:20:28"
actual: "5"
expected: "4"
ok 2 - 4 - 2 should equal 2 # time=1.00ms
TAP Flat Reporter
Outputs a TAP flat report. Like the tap
reporter, test results are formatted to follow TAP standards, but test suites are formatted as a flat list rather than a nested hierarchy.
npx vitest --reporter=tap-flat
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['tap-flat']
Example of a TAP flat report:
TAP version 13
not ok 1 - __tests__/test-file-1.test.ts > first test file > 2 + 2 should equal 4 # time=11.00ms
name: "AssertionError"
message: "expected 5 to be 4 // equality"
at: "/root-directory/__tests__/test-file-1.test.ts:20:28"
actual: "5"
expected: "4"
ok 2 - __tests__/test-file-1.test.ts > first test file > 4 - 2 should equal 2 # time=0.00ms
Hanging Process Reporter
Displays a list of hanging processes, if any are preventing Vitest from exiting safely. The hanging-process
reporter does not itself display test results, but can be used in conjunction with another reporter to monitor processes while tests run. Using this reporter can be resource-intensive, so should generally be reserved for debugging purposes in situations where Vitest consistently cannot exit the process.
npx vitest --reporter=hanging-process
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['hanging-process']
Github Actions Reporter
Output workflow commands to provide annotations for test failures. This reporter is automatically enabled with a default
reporter when process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS === 'true'
If you configure non-default reporters, you need to explicitly add github-actions
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS ? ['dot', 'github-actions'] : ['dot'],
Blob Reporter
Stores test results on the machine so they can be later merged using --merge-reports
command. By default, stores all results in .vitest-reports
folder, but can be overriden with --outputFile
or --outputFile.blob
npx vitest --reporter=blob --outputFile=reports/blob-1.json
We recommend using this reporter if you are running Vitest on different machines with the --shard
flag. All blob reports can be merged into any report by using --merge-reports
command at the end of your CI pipeline:
npx vitest --merge-reports=reports --reporter=json --reporter=default
Both --reporter=blob
and --merge-reports
do not work in watch mode.
Custom Reporters
You can use third-party custom reporters installed from NPM by specifying their package name in the reporters' option:
npx vitest --reporter=some-published-vitest-reporter
export default defineConfig({
test: {
reporters: ['some-published-vitest-reporter']
Additionally, you can define your own custom reporters and use them by specifying their file path:
npx vitest --reporter=./path/to/reporter.ts
Custom reporters should implement the Reporter interface.